We have been researching on two different media industries as it would give our group an idea on where and how we would promote our music video to the right audiences.
Bauer Media
This is the first media industry that we have looked at. This is about different types of audiences from different brands of magazines, radio, TV mobile and on-line. After doing some research on Bauer Media for our target audience, I took a few screen shots on which we are aiming and what type of audience they are.
UK Tribes
I have researched on another website called the UK Tribes for my target audience. This is mainly about young people's lives, their media, their aspirations and their brand preferences. Also it is about the expression of young people's attitudes and affiliations. I have looked into this website to get an idea on where and how to aim for our target audience because our primary audience is mainly for young teenagers.

Overall, I have learnt who and what type of audiences they would be for different brands of magazines, radio, TV, on-line, etc. Moreover, I found out that they are aiming at the same sort of target audience. Pop is the genre that we have chosen to do for our music video and this fitted in most of the brands that we have looked at. This media industry has helped our group to narrow down and decide the audience we are aiming for. The brands are all well known and most of the teenagers use these sites which helped us where we should advertise our music video. Also I have learnt how people consume media through different platforms and this helped our group on what is the best place and what time for advertising our music video.
So what are your key findings? (unless you've put in the next post!)
ReplyDeleteSay why you looked at these brands (because they promote your genre, or they aim towards the same TA as you...or both)