Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
OCR Advanced Portolio in Media Studies H540
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Monday, 14 January 2013
Evaluation - Question 2
Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Evaluation - Question 1
Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Last Day of Filming
These are the photos of the location that we have filmed earlier on today:
The filming went alright and it is quite sunny even though it is winter season. We thought that we would use the same location because it portrays how and who the female character flirts with when she was still with her ex boyfriend. This scene will replaced some parts of the chorus because we thought that the one we have on our music video doesn't look good. So we decided as a group to film one last time to make our music video even better and the narrative is clearer to the audience .
Monday, 10 December 2012
Shooting schedule
This is the shooting schedule for our last filming. We decided to do this as a group because it would help us organise the things that we need, the location it is in, who the characters are in each shots and the date we are going to film.
Additional Shotlist
These are the shotlist for our last day of filming. This would help our group to organise what to bring and it saves time for us to film because we know what to film.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Additional music video ideas
We decided to change the narrative of our music video a little bit as we want to make it clearer to the audience on what mistakes she has made. We thought that if we would use another male character and then the female artist's is flirting with him then she doesn't realise that her ex is stood on the side looking at the them. He then started to confront both of them and push the other guy, the female tried to stop him and she walks off with the other guy and left him on his own. This is where he realised that her gf doesn't love her anymore so later on he decided to break up with her.
These are the examples of music videos that portrays our concept:
Keri Hilson - Knock You Down
These are the examples of music videos that portrays our concept:
Keri Hilson - Knock You Down
Friday, 7 December 2012
Where we are going to advertise our product?
We have nearly completed our music video and we have discussed in our group where we could advertise our music video, digipaks and magazine advert. We thought that it would be good to advertise it where teenagers would normally spend their spare time.
These are the industries that we are going to advertise our digipak. After the research we did for our target audience, we found out that this are the magazines on what our target audience wants to read and buy. Heat magazine is also the company that made a compliment about our music video which implies that the audience would buy it. Also they tend to be more sociable people who enjoying keeping up to date with fashion trends and the latest music out.
We thought that we should advertise our magazine advert on social networking sites such a Facebook and Twitter because this is how teenagers spend more of their time. They are more socialable people they liked keeping up to date and talking to their friends all the time. It is going to be placed on the side of the page so they would be able to see it. I also want to have animated banner of our music video so it grabs the audiences attention. Also teenagers are more active nowadays so it would be beneficial if we would do it as well.
These are the industries that we thought of advertising our products:
- Viva, 4 Music
- Heat, OK
These are the industries that we are going to advertise our digipak. After the research we did for our target audience, we found out that this are the magazines on what our target audience wants to read and buy. Heat magazine is also the company that made a compliment about our music video which implies that the audience would buy it. Also they tend to be more sociable people who enjoying keeping up to date with fashion trends and the latest music out.
- Twitter & Facebook
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Changes made to the Final Magazine Advert
I thought that our recent magazine advert doesn't look good as I expected as there were some errors that I think we could change to make it looks better. These are:
- The 'follow us on' down the bottom left corner of the page instead of 'follow us' makes it clearer to the audience on where they can follow her and which websites they are.
- The font size of the website was bigger before but I made it smaller because I thought that it is not the main important texts that we want to portray to the audience.
- The font size of the comment now is bigger than it was before. This is because I want the texts to stands out so people might buy her album.
- At the end, I have to check if the comments and the magazine name are placed right at the centre of the page so it quickly grabs the audience's attention.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Our Final Magazine Advert
This is how our final magazine advert is going to look like:
We have changed the layout of the idea we had earlier because it doesn't quite work out well. However, we have used the same elements from the idea we had before apart from the 'Out Now' instead of having release date.
The use of red palette on 'Out Now' grabs the audience's eyes and it makes them buy the product. The use of the same font size as the album title makes it look neat and we also want to portray that they are the main important texts in there. The use of black on the album title contrasts with the colours on the background and it stands out well which is easier for the audience to read it. The use of red on 'Alice Hare' links back with the romance/love theme of our music video. The 'Jellyka' font type looks like a signature which gives an effect of more personal feeling to the audience. The use of the Arial on the other texts on the information at the bottom of the page keeps the simplicity and easy for the audience to read. The use of bold on the 'Heat Magazine' font makes it stand out from the comment which causes the audience to buy it. This is because it is a popular magazine and they would be able to identify it quickly. The use of bold on the website font makes it clearer for the audience to see it and they might be interested on what's on her homepage.
Layout/ Framing:
The placement of the 'Out Now' on the left hand side of the page makes it isolated and it stands out from the other texts which makes the audience to look at it. The idea of placing the album title and the artist name on the other side of the page keeps it separated to the other texts and it would be able for the audience to identify what it is. The use of filling in the whole page on her face makes the audience look at it. This is because the way she poses and looking directly at the camera imphasises that she is targeting on them. The placement of the comment and the name of the magazine company at the centre makes it stand out and it intrigues the audience on what feedback they have made on her album. The use of social networking sites and website at the bottom of the page adds more information about her.
Main Image:
The main image on the background shows brand identity as it would remind the audience to our digipak. Her hands on the edge of her lips and the make up on portrays her feminity which implies that she is aiming at mainly male audiences. However, it could also imply that she is aiming at the female audiences as this is a typical female pose. Also the main artist looks so innocent which links back to her character in the music video.
Information Shown:
The use of social networking sites would be effective to use because we are mainly aiming at teenagers and they are more active on the internet now. The use of popular magazine gets the audience's attention as they would be able to identify it, especially teenagers.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Magazine Advert Ideas & Feedback
This slideshow is about the ideas for our magazine advert that we did individually in our group. We then shared our both of it to the whole class so we get some feedback from them.
Changes made for the final digipak
Front Cover:
I have made the font size smaller than it was before so it fits perfectly on the area where I want to place it. I have placed it on the brighter side of her hair instead of having it on the darker shades because they can't see the word 'On' clearly.
The layout and images are perfectly done so I didn't have to make some changes for it. They love how I have blended and scattered the photos on the right hand side of the page because it looks good.
Inside Cover (Right):
I have cropped the picture of the female artist so the image doesn't look stretched and pixelated.
I have made the font size smaller than it was before so it fits perfectly on the area where I want to place it. I have placed it on the brighter side of her hair instead of having it on the darker shades because they can't see the word 'On' clearly.
Inside Cover (Left):
The layout and images are perfectly done so I didn't have to make some changes for it. They love how I have blended and scattered the photos on the right hand side of the page because it looks good.
Inside Cover (Right):
I have cropped the picture of the female artist so the image doesn't look stretched and pixelated.
Back Cover & Spine:
I have to get rid of the three other songs because we need to keep with the conventions of a digipak. Also I have changed the font size from 16 to 18 so the back cover doesn't look empty. I have to find white colours on the company logos so it stands out well and also I have to change the black colours on the copyright because it was not clear. I need to place the bar code at the bottom of the page because it was too much information at the top.
Monday, 26 November 2012
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